Hey, there -- if you're feeling frustrated or overwhelmed about how to latch your newborn, you're at the right place. 

There's a better way to latch.   

One that immediately puts an end to your latch pain, once and for all,  so you can just enjoy feeding your baby, even if it's been painful for a long time. 




There's a better way to latch.  

One that immediately puts an end to your latch pain, once and for all,  so you can just enjoy feeding your baby, even if it's been painful for a long time. 




You did your all your homework. You were even prepared for feeding to be hard. You read and did everything you could to get ready for your new baby. You've even got help but feeding your baby still hurts and feeding isn't enjoyable most of the time.  The word *quit* isn't in your vocabulary, but you aren't sure what else to do, because everyone keeps telling you the same thing, and it's just not working. 


You can be painfree by bedtime (yes, even you).

I know it seems hard to believe, especially when all of the (many) professionals you have worked have either told you that your latch "looks fine" or that you just need to "wait it out"....or maybe you have even been told to "suck it up" through the pain. 

None of this is good advice,  because it's not true. You don't need you double down your effort, toughen up your nipples, or just learn how cope through pain.

I've worked with countless parents, like the woman in the video above, who went from being in intense pain to being pain-free in just minutes, by doing nothing more than making some small changes to how she positioned her baby  and where she puts her hands.

You just need to understand how your baby's brain is instinctively wired to feed, and be taught a latching approach that works WITH their own innate skills, instead of working against them.

You can be painfree by bedtime.

(yes, even you)

I know it seems hard to believe, especially when all of the (many) professionals you have worked have either told you that your latch "looks fine" or that you just need to "wait it out"....or maybe you have even been told to "suck it up" through the pain. 

None of this is good advice,  because it's not true. You don't need you double down your effort, toughen up your nipples, or just learn how cope through pain.

I've worked with countless parents, like the woman in the video above, who went from being in intense pain to being pain-free in just minutes, by doing nothing more than making some small changes to how she positioned her baby  and where she puts her hands.

You just need to understand how your baby's brain is instinctively wired to feed, and be taught a latching approach that works WITH their own innate skills, instead of working against them.


Here's why your latch is currently hurting you. 

If you've been show how to latch using the compress and shove approach, that's probably the root of your latch pain. 

Latching isn't supposed to be an exercise in inner fortitude. It's biologically designed to be an experience that brings comfort and connection to you and your baby. 

The good news is that a better latch is just minutes away. 

Learn How to USE A REFLEXIVE™ Latch

Imagine if... 

  • You knew how to get a pain-free latch, every time, so that latching your baby didn't feel like a game where the odds were never in your favor. 
  • You felt free to leave your house with your baby because feeding your baby wasn't an issue.  
  • You felt so confident about latching you could give your baby a bottle without feeling stress or guilt. 
  • Feeding your baby was just something you enjoyed instead of something you constantly worried about. 


"It was like such a simple easy fix but no one had ever told me and it was life changing! Seriously. "

Over 16 years, 4 different babies, dealing with special needs, tongue and lip ties I didn’t revise, exclusively pumping, large breast, flat nipples, elasticity nipples, mastitis, nipple damage, clogged ducts, PAIN, oversupply, engorgement… pretty much ALL the things, I have been there done that and you were the very first one I met that made me feel seen and confident. Baby and I practiced a hand full of times and got it down so well! Literally the pain disappeared immediately and we are so in sync now! It was like such a simple easy fix but no one had ever told me and it was life changing! Seriously. I did soooo much research with my last two babies and your Reflexive™ latching technique is the ultimate best thing ever to happen to us!


As seen on:

About me. 

Hi! I'm Avery.

I'm a lactation consultant, mother of 3, new parent cheerleader and on a mission to help take the shame, blame AND pain away from infant feeding. 

I've been a lactation consultant in private practice for over a decade, and at several points along the way, I almost quit several times.  I felt SO frustrated that the approaches that I was taught to help babies latch didn't work, and there wasn't any help to do it differently.  I got really good at coming up with creative ways to take 'nursing breaks' to help mothers heal the nipples from the damage I helped to cause, but I didn't know it at the time. 

And so I did what most of you do, because quit wasn't really in my vocabulary either. Instead, I started obsessively studying infant reflexes, observing infants feed without interfering, tweaking, experimenting and really allowing babies to be my teachers instead of the other way around, and everything changed.  

I started noticing reflexive triggers on babies that none of my colleagues knew about and movement patterns that no one had noticed. And I took THAT information and started developing my own approach to latching, The Reflexive™ Latch, as a framework to teach new parents how to engage those same reflexes in the latching process, instead of the forceful "shove with love" I had once been using. 

And something magical happened.  Latch pain stopped.  Instantly. And it wasn't just one family, with one body type. It was almost all of the families I worked with, with a wide variety of anatomy types, even in babies with tongue ties. Over and over again.  I started sharing my approach with colleagues who reported that they were getting similar results, and I knew I was on to something important, because latch pain is about so much more than feeding.

When latching hurts and feeding is miserable, that experience makes every single part of the new parent experience harder. It undermines your confidence, the stress overflows into your relationships and it robs you and your family of that sacred period right after birth where your whole world is supposed to just bonding and connecting with your new family.  Otherwise strong and incredible women are left feeling overwhelmed and ridden with self-doubt, and the beginning of the inequitable loss of power that so many people experience as a result of motherhood. 

And that's why I'm on a mission.  Once realized how easy it was to eliminate latch pain, the more fired up became to change it.  But more than that I want to help every person's transition into motherhood firmly anchored in a place of confidence and power. 

A Reflexive™ approach to latching works with every body.  

I want to be super honest that this approach to latching will end or significantly reduce latch pain, including babies with tongue ties and feeding parents with all shapes and sizes of anatomy types, but there ARE times when something besides just the mechanics of the actual latching process is causing the pain. I wrote a whole blog post about that right here. 

The good news is that no matter what, learning to use your baby's reflexes during latching is the first step in making latching better, and if it doesn't immediately solve your problem, then that's a clue that there is something else going on...and, yes, there's a video about what to do next inside the toolkit too. 

for JUST $74

You're exhausted. Feeding hurts. You just want latching to work already.   

  • Step-by-step instructions that fixes your problem, is easy to follow, and tell you exactly what to do, like you are 5. 
  • Some background info, but not too much, because you're *also* someone who does their research..but you are sleep deprived, so just the lite version.  
  • Demos of real babies latching, so you can visualize the steps in real-time, instead of just theoretical examples.
  • Hacks to work with your anatomy + videos that help troubleshoot the hard parts process to get you into latching bliss in no time flat.  
  • Something that makes it better RIGHT AWAY.


You're exhausted. Feeding hurts. You just want latching to work already.   

  • Step-by-step instructions that fixes your problem, is easy to follow, and tell you exactly what to do, like you are 5. 
  • Some background info, but not too much, because you're *also* someone who does their research..but you are sleep deprived, so just the lite version.  
  • Demos of real babies latching, so you can visualize the steps in real-time, instead of just theoretical examples.
  • Hacks to work with your anatomy + videos that help troubleshoot the hard parts process to get you into latching bliss in no time flat.  

Something that makes it better RIGHT AWAY.



"The techniques worked on my child immediately"

"The info so unique. I have never learned latching this way, and FINALLY it makes sense. The techniques worked on my child immediately. I was baffled that he finally opened his mouth wide for me after weeks of us not getting close to a proper latch."

Ashley Miller


The Reflexive™ Latching Toolkit  

Everything you need to master the Reflexive™ Latch, so you can finally leave your latching pain behind. 

  • Step-By-Step Latching instructions to help you understand how to use your baby's reflexes
  • Modifications for different anatomy types 
  • Problem-solving for different baby challenges with targeted exercises to help
  • Downloadable PDF's to give you a visual guide and troubleshooting checklist to know where to get more help. 
  • BONUS CONTENT to help you understand what to do if pain persists and how to get more help. 
I'm IN!
Give me everything I need to Get a better latch.

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